I’m going to tell you something you’ve probably never heard before. A bad night’s sleep is good for you.
Ok, it’s not quite as simple as that, but it comes down to the fact that your body knows what to do. If you have a bad night’s sleep one night, as long as you don’t then take steps to amplify this issue, you’ll have built up a great ‘appetite’ for sleep for the following night.
In the final months of 2022 I was waking frequently between 2am and 5am. At first I found it frustrating, but once I decided to get out of bed, things changed. I found that I enjoyed that special time when it feels like the whole world is asleep.
Don’t get me wrong, I love to sleep. And overall my sleeping patterns have improved which is great. But I do sometimes miss those painting sessions in the small hours. The resulting paintings I have called the ‘Nighttime Series’.